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Payments Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

EMV, Contactless Payments and More!

DaySmart Recreation Payments provides a secure and seamless transition to using EMV (chip cards) and Contactless Payments (Apple & Google Pay). And because of the volume of transactions in DaySmart Recreation, we can meet or beat any current merchant rates.

Did You Know?

  • Apple, Google & Samsung Pay and all Contactless payments supported.

  • Tipping is now supported through DaySmart Recreation. Facilities have seen up to 6x increase in tipping resulting in a ~15% raise for employees.

  • Decline Minimizer - Saved cards are automatically updated when cards expire.

  • Lower your rates by adding more volume. Have other software or terminals for processing cards within your organization? Migrating them to DaySmart Recreation Payments (DaySmart Recreation Software NOT required) can push your volume into lower rate tiers.

  • PCI Compliance can cost an organization thousands of dollars per year. DaySmart Recreation Payments reduces your scope to a 30 question form and is provided for free!

  • And always, NO JUNK FEES!

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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