For credit card terminal orders and questions please email [email protected]
Clover Mini 3This countertop device is used with CardConnect | |
Clover Flex 3This handheld device is used with CardConnect | |
BBPOS WisePOS EThis device is used with Stripe | |
Epson Receipt PrinterReceipt printing and/or cash drawer integration | |
Star Micronics Receipt PrinterReceipt printing and/or cash drawer integration | |
Zebra Direct Thermal Label PrinterUsed for printing sticker labels or wristbands with session information and barcodes | |
Honeywell Barcode ScannerUsed for general POS or member barcode scanning | |
Motorola Barcode ScannerUsed for general POS or member barcode scanning | |
SocketScan Universal Barcode Scanner
| |
Dell DesktopVersatile front desk workstation. Windows OS works best with other peripheral hardware. |
Dell All-in-OneTouchscreen Point of Sale (concessions or pro shop). |
Microsoft WebcamPlayer card or customer profile photos. |
Cash DrawerAutomatic ejection is triggered through our remote printer integration.
Setup Instructions (requires receipt printer for automatic pop) |