Booking Report - Booked event by location.
Location Schedule Report - Scheduled events by date, location, and resource.
Location Usage Report - Event duration and booking fees by time period, location and resource.
Booking Statement Report - Statement for a given time period of invoices, balances, rental details by customer.
Booking Report
This report shows booked events by location.
** The cutoff date shows transactions up until that date, it won't show payments made after that point. **
Location Schedule Report
This report shows scheduled events by date, location, and resource.
Location Usage Report
This report shows event duration and booking fees by time period, location and resource.
Booking Statement Report
The report will generate what’s due for the customer for a given time range if they have multiple or a large number of booking rentals. This also gives you a breakdown of hours for each entry. This report will only include events created via the Booking Manager.