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Billing for Lights within Booking Manager
Billing for Lights within Booking Manager
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Set Up

From the Booking Options page, if you need your Lights to be available at specific times of each day, you may need to adjust your existing Availabilities.

For example, if you need to charge customers for lights only for the hours of 6-11pm, then you would need to copy the booking rental fee and add the Lights option product to it as well. This will mean that if a customer is booking a rental online or if a user is booking on the admin side, the lights will appear by default.

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You will also need to consider setting up multiple date ranges to adjust to the different times of the day where you would require lights for your bookings. This may even require monthly ranges or at least every 2 months.

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See it in Action

Admin Side:

I am creating a booking for 9pm so my 2 fees will appear automatically. I can always add additional fees if I need to and can even change the duration of time to charge the customer for that fee (Lights for example).

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Customer online Side:

If you have your Booking Options set to "Allow Purchase", then you will need to decide which of your Available Fees should appear to your customers when booking for an event online. In my case, I want the rental fee of $200 per hour AND the Lighting fee of $7 per hour to appear.

Scenario #1: A customer is booking a field rental from 9:30pm to 11pm. In their shopping cart, you will see the prorating for the field rental plus the lights.

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Scenario #2: In some cases the rental may overlap the Availabilities you have set up in the Booking Options. For example, if a customer wants to book a field from 6-8 PM but the lights will not be needed until 7, this should only charge the customer for 1 hour of Lights and 2 hours for the Field Rental.

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