There are 2 different types of teams in DaySmart Recreation. They are determined by how you want to charge your customer. If you want to have the team pay a set price of $1000 that the entire team will be responsible to pay, then they should be set up as a Normal Team. If you would like to charge each player on the roster an individual fee, then this team should be set up as an Individual Team (aka House Team).
How to Create a New Team
Make sure the pricing is correct for the current season for both Normal Teams and Individual teams.
Once your season and leagues are all set up, teams can then be added. Click on Team under the Programs menu and then press the "Add Team" button.
Start filling out the fields on the form. Be sure to enter a min and max number of players (on-line registration will close if max number of players reached).
Choose a Team Billing Type (Normal vs Individual Team)
Click Save.
You will be prompted to Invoice team if this is a Normal Team. It is highly suggested that you Invoice at this time otherwise this step could be forgotten.
For a Normal Team, be sure to add a manager or coach by going to the team you created and click the "+ Add" button and select the "Add Manager" option. This will bring up a box asking if you would like to add them and if you would like to send a registration e-mail if you assigned one to be sent at the Season level. Click "Add".
By default, pricing is set at the league level but for an individual team where each player pays a set fee, it can be changed at the team level using the Fee drop down.
Private Vs Public
Each team can be set to private or public. This setting changes how customers can view and join a team online. A public team is like a "house" team and is open to anyone to join at open registration. A private team requires the person to be invited or must request to join the team. A private team does NOT hide a team online. It simply restricts how people can register for it.