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Employee Authorizations
Employee Authorizations
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Authorizations determine what permissions an Employee Roles. Each employee can be assigned any number of Roles. And those Authorizations give employees access to certain reports, edit privileges, ability to view and/or use certain tools or features within the admin console. Each of these authorizations also has the ability to be enabled or disabled at specified Locations within your database.

There are some preset roles when your database is set up. They can be viewed in the Employee Roles article. You can also see what actions each authorization allows.

Note: All employees that have been given "Login Allowed" can view and create customer profiles.

Authorization Actions:

Below is the current list of defined actions.


  • Audit Log Report

  • Authorization Management - Ability to assign any Role to any user and modify Roles

  • Company Account Settings - Change the Company Settings

  • Email Bounce Codes - View and Reset Email Bounce Codes

  • Email Employees

  • Email Template Management - Create/Edit/Manage Email Templates

  • Employee Management - Ability to create users but only assign them the authorizations they have

  • Event Type Management - Create/Edit/Manage Event Types

  • Facility News - Post news to the facility Recreation Online login page

  • GIS Mapping

  • GL Code Management

  • Manage Tags - Create/Edit/Manage Customer Tags

  • Pass Management

  • Prerequisite Management

  • Product Discount - Create/Edit/Manage Product Discounts

  • Product Management - Ability to create and edit products. This is a global action, so it must be enabled across all locations.

  • Resource Management - Create/Edit/Manage Facility Resources (such as playfields)

  • Roles Management

  • Waiver Management - Ability to create and edit waivers


  • Bypass Membership - User can bypass membership requirements in the Cart

  • Bypass Password Notice - User can skip email notification of password change on customer profile

  • Bypass Receipt - User can skip sending an email receipt after Cart Checkout

  • Bypass Team Email From-Address - User can enter any reply-to email address in Team Email


  • Broadcast Email - Ability to send out a broadcast email

  • Customer Search Report - Ability to run the customer search report

  • Customer Search Export - Action to export the customer search report to Excel

  • Merge Customers - Ability to merge Customers


  • Host

  • Instructor

  • Referee

Financial - each of the below maps to the same-named financial report, with noted exceptions

  • Adjust Tax Exempt Status

  • Category Sales Report

  • Customer AR Report

  • Daily Sales & Receipts

  • Discount Report

  • Employee Credit Report

  • Financial Dashboard

  • GL Sales Report

  • Global Financial - IMPORTANT - this authorization allows the user to see all financial data, for all facilities, for any time range. This includes access to Jasper Financial reports.

  • Legacy Daily Sales Report

  • Limited Financial Reporting - Allows users to see only the last 7 days of any financial report

  • Membership Report

  • Payment Schedules - Use Payment Schedule and Result Reports

  • Reference Transactions - User can process credit card reference transactions

  • Refunds & Reversals - User can issue refunds and reversals

  • Rental Invoice Report

  • Team/Class/Camp AR Report

  • Top Employee Cash Report

  • Transaction Summary Report

Groups (Teams/Classes/Camps)

  • Group Create - Ability to create groups

  • Group Edit - Ability to edit groups

  • Group Email - Ability to email groups

  • Group View - Ability to view groups

  • Team Builder - Allow access to Team Builder

Lil' Kickers - denotes access to the item described

  • Camp Curriculum

  • Class Curriculum

  • Coaches Training Program

  • Coordinator Curriculum

  • Enrichment in Motion

  • LKSL Curriculum

  • Skills Institute


  • Access Dashboard - User can see the Dashboard tool

  • Ad Campaign Management - User can manage Ad Campaigns

  • Dashboard Login Default - Users will show dashboard on login (unless changed by user)

  • Delete Invoice Credit - User can delete a credit on an Invoice

  • Delete Invoice from Other Event - User can delete an Invoice from an Event created by another User

  • Delete Membership - User can remove a Membership from a Customer profile

  • Delete Other Event

  • Delete Suspension - User can remove a Suspension from a Customer profile

  • Discretionary Credits - User can issue discretionary credits such as employee/manager credits

  • Edit Membership - User can edit a Membership on a Customer profile (change expiration date)

  • Level/League Management - User can Create/Edit/Manage Levels (Leagues)

  • Season Management - User can Create/Edit/Manage Seasons


  • Cash Register - Access to the cash register

  • Partial Payments - User can take partial payments

  • Shopping Cart - Ability to use the shopping cart


  • Booking Create/Edit - Ability to create and edit bookings

  • Booking Delete - Ability to delete bookings and any related events

  • Calendar View - Access to view the calendar

  • Event Edit - Ability to edit an event

  • Score Entry - Ability to enter scores on game sheets


  • Create Predefined Task - Ability to create predefined Tasks

  • Task Search - Ability to search Tasks


  • Limited Menu - The user will be presented with a very stripped-down Sports menu.

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