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Event Import
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

With the update, you can now use Dash to import games that include the Home and Away teams! That means you could create a schedule outside of Dash for teams that are already in Dash and then import that schedule. This could be particularly useful if doing a large tournament for example where the Dash League Scheduler may not be the best scheduling solution. Several customers use Excel for this and they now can directly import that data with no manual data entry.
The change has included the addition of 3 columns for Event Sub Type, Home Team ID and Away Team ID. The Event Sub Type is only applicable for Event Type of "Game" and the valid values are "regular", "playoff" or "friendly". In order to get the Team IDs for each team, we have added the Team ID to the output of a Team Search (click on Programs and select the Teams item).
One additional change is the ability to enter a Level ID. This is particularly useful for type Playoff or Blocker as it would allow a user to set a schedule block for an entire Level. One example where this is useful is for blocking the time of Level playoffs when the teams who may be participating could vary. Use the Home Team ID field for the Level ID with an Away Team ID of blank to set the Event Level ID. Note that for type Game and Sub-Type or Regular or Friendly, it is not possible to set the Level ID because Home Team ID and Away Team ID are expected.


The format has to be very specific:

Event Type: choose from your established event type names OR ids

Event Sub Type: ONLY FOR TYPE GAMES! Valid values are regular, playoff or friendly

Event Description: enter the title or name of the event



Home Team ID: enter the Team ID of the Home Team (if type Game, otherwise use a Level ID or leave blank if not applicable)

Away Team ID: enter the Team ID of the Away Team (if type Game, leave blank if not applicable)

Resource: This is the calendar resource name (or ID) you are adding the event to

Resource Area: The name (or ID) of the Sub Resource/Sub Area for the selected Resource or enter "Entire Resource" (0 is the ID for Entire Resource).

Customer: enter the Customer ID number (if applicable, can leave blank)

Example 1:
Simple case of reserving a staff resourceEvent Type,Event Sub Type,Event Description,Event Start,Event End,Home Team ID,Away Team ID,Resource,Resource Area,Customer
Staff,, Anthony Working, 3/3/18 9:00 AM, 3/3/18 4:30 PM,,, Entire Location, Entire Resource, 3
Staff,, Anthony Working, 3/5/18 7:00 PM, 3/5/18 10:00 PM,,, Entire Location, Entire Resource, 6
Staff,, Anthony Working, 3/7/18 9:00 AM, 3/7/18 5:00 PM,,, Entire Location, 0, 3
Example 2:
Sample tournament schedule that includes playoffs and consolation friendly games. Also includes a Blocker on the entire level.
The blocker will ensure that every team in the level (assumed to all be playing in this tournament) will
not only have their scheduled games on the roster but a blocker or the playoffs.Event Type,Event Sub Type,Event Description,Event Start,Event End,Home Team ID,Away Team ID,Resource,Resource Area,Customer
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 13:00,3/4/18 14:30,21672,21777,Field 1,0,
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 13:00,3/4/18 14:30,21829,21761,Field 2,0,
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 13:00,3/4/18 14:30,21864,21370,Field 3,0,
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 14:30,3/4/18 16:00,21777,21864,Field 1,0,
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 14:30,3/4/18 16:00,21761,21672,Field 2,0,
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 14:30,3/4/18 16:00,21370,21829,Field 3,0,
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 16:00,3/4/18 17:30,21829,21777,Field 1,0,
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 16:00,3/4/18 17:30,21864,21761,Field 2,0,
Game,regular,Pool Play,3/4/18 16:00,3/4/18 17:30,21672,21370,Field 3,0,
Game,playoff,Semi-final 1,3/4/18 17:30,3/4/18 19:00,1736,,Field 1,0,
Game,playoff,Semi-final 2,3/4/18 17:30,3/4/18 19:00,1736,,Field 2,0,
Game,friendly,Consolation 1,3/4/18 17:30,3/4/18 19:00,,,Field 3,0,
Game,playoff,Final,3/4/18 19:00,3/4/18 20:30,1736,,Field 1,0,
Game,friendly,Consolation 2,3/4/18 19:00,3/4/18 20:30,,,Field 2,0,
Game,friendly,Consolation 3,3/4/18 19:00,3/4/18 20:30,,,Field 3,0,
Block,,Tourney Headquarters,3/4/18 13:00,3/4/18 20:30,,,ConfRoom,0,27
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