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Learn to Skate Membership Verification
Learn to Skate Membership Verification
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 5 months ago


The LTS Membership Verification feature is a new integration designed to add Learn to Skate USA membership verification into the Learn to Skate program registration workflow within the DaySmart Recreation member app. By implementing this feature, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Time-saving: Customers registering for a Learn to Skate program through the member app will be required to verify their Learn to Skate USA membership during the registration. This verification process will save time and effort for the customer as well as the program admins.

  • Ease of use: The verification process is simple and easy to use, providing a smooth and hassle-free experience for the customer.

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: The feature has been designed to enhance the registration experience for customers. With easy verification and registration processes, your customers will be more satisfied with the overall experience.


To implement the LTS Membership Verification feature to be seen on the Member App, follow these simple steps:

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  1. Type in the global search box "Products". Find the learn to skate class fee product that is assigned to your classes.

  2. Toggle the Required Memberships to "On"

  3. Check the Learn to Skate USA® option

  4. Save your changes by clicking anywhere on the page. It will autosave.

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How It Works on the Member App

On the Member App (customer facing) the initial searching and registration part is all the same as before.

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  1. The change is at the time of checkout. In order to complete the transaction and register, the customer must first verify they have an active Learn to Skate Membership.

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  2. Once you click "Verify" a modal will appear to do one of the following options:

    • Enter member ID number if known

    • Use an alternate verification (will try confirming phone number first and then email if no number is provided on LTS profile)

    • Visit the Learn to Skate USA website to register for a new membership

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  3. When you know your member ID number, simply enter the number in and you will see a screen like this that displays the membership details for the customer. If it looks correct, click the "Send Email" button. If not, click the "Go Back" button and instead use the "alternate verification method".

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  4. When selecting the "alternate verification method" the system looks at the customers first and last name and gender for any possible matches. Select which one is the correct account, and press Continue.

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  5. If the customer does not have a phone number on their profile with Learn to Skate, an email address will be used to confirm the identity.

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  6. Once you have selected the proper customer, you will receive a text or an email asking you to click a link to confirm your account. Emails can take a few minutes to appear so be patient. Here is an email example:

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  7. After you verify the link, the modal says "hit continue" and as long as your membership is not expired, it will close. The verification button and section goes away and you can proceed with your checkout options.

  8. Once the process has begun to validate the membership, on the Membership section within the Member App page, you will see the tile with the skaters details and a link to complete the verification and another link to access the Learn to Skate USA website.

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  9. Once the membership has been validated and as long as it still active, the tile within the Member App will appear like this with:

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  10. For a customer that has an expired Learn to Skate membership, here is how it will look on the Member App:

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How It Works on Admin Side

At this time for the initial integration, there is no verification on the Admin side. So if someone is registering for the same Learn to Skate class in person, there is no prompt to the staff to enter a membership number. However, you can either point them to the Member App to register or use the Customer "Online Experience," to walk through the steps of registering and then having them go through the Verification process. Video Demo of how you can use the Online Experience to help register a customer in person.

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  1. Once a customer has started the verification process online, the LTS stages will appear on the Admin side.

    • You can view if it is in the "Pending" stage which is when the customer has not verified the email yet.

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    • When a customer has an expired LTS membership, that will also display.

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    • Lastly, when a customer has a valid membership, it will display as "Active".

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  2. If a membership has been added and linked to a customer's profile but you need to unlink it, there is an option to "delete" the membership. Check out this help article on the steps of how to unlink a Pending, Active, or Expired Membership.


There are a couple different ways to currently view customers that have the Learn To Skate Membership. More will be added but here is what we have at this time:

  • Membership Report:

    • A new column was added to the Membership Report to include the "Learn to Skate ID".

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  • Customer Search Report:

    • On the CSR (Customer Search Report) we have added this external membership to the list of memberships that appear in the "Memberships purchased" section. This allows you to select that membership to pull up customers that have this type of membership on their account.

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  • Audit Log tracks changes to External Memberships

    • A new drop down option has been added to the Audit Log. If you select "View changes to : External Memberships", you will be able to see these updates.

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