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Converting Customer Type
Converting Customer Type
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Use caution when converting individuals because some data will be lost; memberships, history (seasons, waivers, check-ins, suspensions), customer photo, passes, notes, tags and most profile fields. Organization customer accounts do not include those options.

Converting a Customer to Organization:

  1. From the individual customer profile page that you would like to convert, click the "3-dot" button and then "Convert to Organization".

User-added image
  • You will be prevented from converting customers that have family members. Click the "X's" to disconnect the family members before converting.

  1. Click "OK" when ready.

  • The customer's First and Last name will now be the Organization Name.

  • The primary Email, primary Phone number and Address will be brought over.

  • A Contact name and Phone number can be added.

  • Uploaded Files, Payment Information and Invoices are brought over as well.

Converting an Organization to Individual Customer:

  1. From the organization profile page that you would like to convert, click the "Options" button and then "Convert to Individual".

User-added image
  1. Click "OK" when ready.

    • The individual customer will need a valid last name saved. Organizations only have a forename.

    • Gender will be required

    • Address may need to be required if saving as a Participant customer type.

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