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Creating a Membership Product
Creating a Membership Product
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago


There are 3 types of products (fees) you can create:

Membership products can be used in the software to charge customers a "Registration fee" or a "Family Membership fee". You can choose to call your "membership" what you would like. The term "membership" that appears Online for your customer can be customized to something different. You will need to email support at [email protected] to let us know what you would like to change it to.

Creating a New Membership Product:

To access the "products" page, in the global search box in the top navigation bar, start typing "products". To create a new product, Press the "+" button.

  1. Fill out all of the required fields marked with a red triangle along with any other settings you wish to add at this time. Extra help information is provided on fields with a question mark icon. Hover over the icon with your cursor or tap it for more information on the field.

  2. Product Name: Type a Description for the membership (Ex: Arena Sports Annual Individual Membership or Arena Sports Annual Family Membership).

  3. Product is a : Choose Membership. For directions on how to create a "Normal" product please visit this this page.

  4. Global Price: What is the base price for this membership.

  5. Report Category: Select Miscellaneous

  6. Subcategory: Memberships

  7. Description (optional): Enter a description for the membership product that will appear online for customers when purchasing.

  8. Program: Each product can be tied to a Program if you choose. If you create programs you can run your financial reports and narrow down the money your company brought in by program type.

  9. Available online: If you want your customers to see this membership as an option to purchase Online if they have an expired membership or if they are required to have a membership in order to play in a season, then check this box.

Membership Settings

  1. Requires USA Hockey Membership: You can require a customer has a USA Hockey membership in order to register for a program. Learn more here.

  2. Length: Choose the length of time for your membership to last.

  3. Auto re-new: If you choose to turn this on, the customer's membership will automatically renew when it expires and will create a new invoice.

  4. Expires On: This is an optional field. If you want to set all of your customer's memberships to expire on the same day, you can set a date for this.

    • Prorate: you can enable pro-rating if you only want to charge the customer the actual time that is remaining of the membership period.

  5. Billing Cycle: The membership length set above can be broken up into smaller amounts that the customer pays with a payment schedule. For example, an annual membership can be broken into 12 monthly payments.

  6. Available Locations: Memberships can be sold at specific locations only if you choose or all locations

  7. Card Design File: This section is to be used if you are printing membership cards through DaySmart Recreation or Jolly Print Software.

  8. Enable Check-in: Memberships can be used to allow access to a facility using the check in module.

Family Membership Settings

  1. Family Membership: If this is going to be a Family membership, the system will know to apply a membership to others listed under the primary account.

  2. Auto Add Family to Membership: With this turned on, all linked family members will be assigned to the membership upon purchase.

  3. Max Family Members: A cap can be set to the number of family members that will be added allowed to a family membership. The default is "0" meaning you can have as many members as there are on the account.

  4. Adult Membership: This box can be checked when you want to limit the family membership to adults only over the age of 18.

Financial Settings

  1. GL Account: Enter in a GL Code if you have already created one for your membership (highly recommended for accounting reporting purposes).

  2. UPC Code: The UPC is not used for this type of product because it will not be able to be rung up anywhere else except from the customer's profile page.

  3. Fund: Create a fund or assign your membership to an existing Fund for tracking purposes.

  4. Tax Deductible: If product should be reported as a tax deductible on the Child Care Statement, then check this box

  5. Require Credit Card to be stored: If a customer is purchasing this membership and will be paying in installments, it would be good to check this box on the product level to store the credit card by default.

  6. Create Purchase Order: If you would like to have this item tied to a purchase order and track it via the Purchase Orders, click the checkbox.

Other Settings

  1. Customer Tags: Add customer tags that the customer must have on their account in order to purchase the membership

  2. Email Template: Anytime a customer purchases this product, you can choose an e-mail template to be included along with their receipt.

Once you save your product, you are taken to the newly created project’s page where you can edit the product’s settings.

​Additional Setup

  1. Location Settings: If you charge sales tax on your membership, you will need to add a Location for the product and set the Sales Tax at this point.

  2. Add-ons: If you would like to add alternate products to offer the customer to purchase at the time the shopping cart appears, you can add these products here. Start typing in the first word of the product and it will begin to auto fill in products stored. Click on product name to Add.

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