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Child Care Statement
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

Initial Set-Up

In some cases you may want to run this report solely on products that are considered "tax deductible". You will first need to make an adjustment to these specific products.

  1. Search for "Products" in the global search box to view the Product Search page.

  2. Type in the name of the product you need to make tax deductible. For example, in this case I am going to adjust one of our camp fee products.

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  1. Click the toggle to turn on the product as tax deductible.

Child Care Statement

  1. Enter in the parent's customer ID #. This can be found on the customer profile page right above their name. The reason why we suggest you enter the parent's ID is because there may be some instances where an invoice was placed under a parent instead of a child that may be needed.

  2. Enter the date range you are looking for. The report is looking at payments towards invoices. For example, you may need to pull up any invoice payments for a family made in 2016.

  3. Program: In some cases, you may only want to report on specific programs the customer made a payment towards. You can select specific programs or all.

  4. Company Tax Information: If you would like your tax ID to appear on the report, make sire it is listed on the Company Settings page (Location section).

  5. Tax Deductible Products: If this is unchecked, you will see every purchase this customer has made. If the box remains checked, you will only see the purchases of items that have been flagged as tax deductible.

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