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Fire Drill Report
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

How it Works

There are 2 ways for customers to be scanned into the location and hence will appear on this report:

  1. Customer Profile: There is a check-in option on the profile page.

  2. Manual Scan: If you have a card reader scanner set up at your front desk, customers can walk by and scan into the location.

Member #

If a customer has a Card ID number on their profile page that is different than their customer ID number, it will be displayed here.


Once a customer has been checked in, they will appear on the Fire Drill report. If you decide to track checking out as well, the report will display a check mark when a customer has successfully checked out of the location for the day.

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Primary Contact

For child accounts, all parent names plus their phone numbers will display.

Summary Line

The report can be separated by location or all locations can be run at one time. The summary line will show the number of customers that checked in, how many were remained in the location and how many had checked out.

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