This tool allows your to quickly assign camp attendees to activity groups. The Activity Groups need to be setup first using the Define Activity Groups page. Once you have more than one Activity group you can split the attendees up into balanced groups.
Group Size or Number of Groups
Group Size: choose a number smaller than the Group Total
Number of Groups: choose up to the total number of Activity Groups created
Group by Age or by sex
Group By Age: uses the group size or number of groups assigned above to create balanced groups by age ranges. i.e. 6y 1m to 7y 3m, 7y 3m to 9y 4m, & 9y 5m to 12y 11m.
Split By Sex: uses the group size or number of groups assigned above divide attendees into male only and female only groups.
If your group names no longer match the attendees assigned you can go back to the Define Activity Groups page to edit the group name.