Feature Update as of 5/28/24: Added an end time to each event listed.
From the Programs drop-down, press "All Program Tools" to access the Schedule Display. You can also start typing "schedule display" in the Global Search box.
By default, the display will show you upcoming events for the next 6 hours in the location you are logged into. If you would like to alter the time that is displayed, click on the URL and change the number listed after "hours=".
All Locations
By default the page will also display just the location you are currently logged into. If you choose to display all locations, you can remove this section in the URL "&facilityId=#".
Example URL removing facility ID:
In the picture below, you can see the new feature update referenced at the beginning of this article.
Filter Resources
You can filter by a resource using "resourceId=2" (uppercase i). You can also specify multiple resources like "resourceId=2,3,4".
Example URL: