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ACH Payments through CardConnect
ACH Payments through CardConnect
Kristi Carlson avatar
Written by Kristi Carlson
Updated over 9 months ago

This feature is no longer available to new customers. If you are interested in allowing customers to pay via ACH, please look at our GoCardless integration.


Adding a customer's bank details on their profile page allows DaySmart Recreation to directly initiate payments from a customer's bank via ACH. Once the initial payment has been processed, the transaction will be in a "pending" state until the batch has been sent to the bank and settled. This process typically takes 2-3 business days.

Here is an overview demo video for the feature.



In order for this feature to work, an ACH MID must be entered into the "Payment Provider" section of DaySmart Recreation by the DaySmart Recreation support team.

Customer Profile page

At the bottom of the customer page, you can enter ACH account info by clicking on the "Add Payment Information" button. You can only have one payment information entered at a time.

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Note: if overwriting previously saved Credit Card account information, the CC info will still be stored for payment purchases, and using saved cards, but we currently do not support the display of more than 1 account on the customer page at a time. Saving a different ACH account number or routing information will overwrite any previous ACH information. Past ACH account numbers will not be stored.

How Does it Look

Taking Payment

Processing ACH payments function similarly as Cash and CC payments. When in the checkout screen on the Admin side, if a customer has saved their ACH information, you will see the ACH tab as a payment type. Click this tab and make sure the amount to process and the last 4 of the account number look correct. Then click the “Bill to ACH” button on the right side of the screen. As long as the ACH MID has been added on the provider settings, then this will attempt to process automatically.

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​ACH States of Approval

Once a transaction is processed, the invoice will display a "pending" status.

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Unlike CC payments, ACH payments process differently. They will take 2-3 business days to settle and add the funds to your account. There is an automatic process that happens every night checking the settlement status of every “pending” ACH transaction. If the settlement is “Accepted” then the payment status will change to “Accepted” and reflect as such on the invoice.

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If a settlement is “Rejected”, then the payment will reflect as such, and add a reverse payment, to the invoice, indicating that the funds are still due. An email will also be sent to the facility email address set in the Company Settings section with a list of transactions that have failed.

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Here is an example of an email sent to the facility email on file regarding rejected ACH transactions:

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Daily Sales Report

To view the status of any ACH that has been initiated, select the Payment Type "ACH" and the date range. This will display pending, accepted, rejected and voided ACH states of approval. Keep in mind the daily batch is sent at 5PM EST each day. So when you are wanting to see a specific "day" batch to match with what is displaying in CardPointe, you will need to change your Start Date and Time accordingly.

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In the first day after the transaction occurred before 5PM EST, you have the ability to Void the transaction straight from the invoice page. Once the transaction has been voided the invoice will be unpaid again.

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Once the transaction has been batched and sent to the bank for processing, there is a window of time where the transaction cannot be reversed. On the invoice, the transaction state is still "pending". Once the transaction has been completed and the state changes to "accepted", then a reversal can be done.


Steps to reverse an ACH

  1. If reversing an invoice, the same items that the ACH originally paid for should be reversed and added to the cart.

  2. In the case of a booking invoice, a negative payment should be added to the "Add Payment" section of the invoice.

  3. When clicking “Checkout” and navigating to the cart, click the ACH tab for payment type.

  4. On this tab, there is a dropdown select box asking you to choose a previous payment on the invoice to reference. Again, the total reversal amount must match the amount of the transaction you select.

  5. Click “Bill to ACH”.

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  6. The transaction will process the same as regular ACH transactions, and will take 2-3 business days to completely settle.

Here are some limitations and key points with ACH reversals:

  1. You must have the Refunds & Reversals authorization assigned to the User role

  2. Partial reversals are not supported. So when reversing an ACH payment, the amount being reversed must be the exact same amount as the original payment.

  3. It is recommended that ACH reversals only be attempted for payments on 1 invoice at a time. It is currently not supported to process more than 1 ACH reversal at a time.

Additional Notes

Payment Plans: If ACH payment info is entered for the customer, and auto ACH payment processing is set up, automatic payments will attempt to use the ACH info to auto process the payments.

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