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Product Reports
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

DaySmart Recreation provides the following Product Reports for helping you to analyze the products you offer, product sales, and purchase orders. Click on any report link below to view a sample output of the given report.

Product Report Offered products by location and quantity.

Product Sales Product transactions by GL code, employee and time period.

Purchase Orders Purchase Orders by time period.


Product Report

This report shows offered products by location and quantity.

mceclip0 2022-03-29 11-02-30.png


Product Sales

This report shows product transactions by GL code, employee and time period.

mceclip0 (1) 2022-03-29 11-11-24.png

Here's output from this report:

mceclip1 2022-03-29 11-15-27.png


Purchase Orders

This report shows purchase orders by time period.

mceclip3 2022-03-29 11-17-42.png
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