This report allows you to see instructors assigned to events specifically for a "per session" type of season and, if a rate is assigned properly, how much should be paid out to them.
Set Up
If you are wanting to see instructor rates and calculate how much should be paid out to them based on registration and attendance, you will need to first, set up the instructor rates on the User page.
In order to access the report, you must have have the "global financial" authorization assigned to your User Role.
In the global search box, type in "Instructor Payment Per Session" to view this report.
Instructor: You can choose a specific instructor, multiple instructors, or none at all.
Event Date Start and End: Choose the date range for the events you want to report on.
Attendance: Check this box if you would like to view the column of the actual attendance for the event and not just the amount of customers registers.
Registrants: Number of customers registered for the event
Revenue: Total revenue based on the number of registrants
Attendance: If attendance was taken for the event, this will look at how many customers attended the event
Instructor Rate: At the User (Employee page) what is the Instructor rate type and amount
Type: The event type used