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Payment Plans
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago


Payment plans are an option you can add to a registration, typically used for higher priced items to spread the cost over time. When a payment plan is enabled for a registration your customers can choose to pay in full or opt for the payment plan.

*This feature is not to be used for Normal Teams since each player pays an amount chosen by them.


In order to set up a Payment Plan, the User must have the Season Management authorization assigned to their Role.

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Creating Payment Plan
Search for “Payment Plans” and on the payment plan page click the "Create" button.

  • Name: Use meaningful name

  • Finance Fee: this field is optional. If you want to charge a finance fee, then you will need to create that Product.

  • Deposit: This is a set amount required for the customer to pay at time of purchase.

  • Schedule: The payment schedule uses prescribed (not relative) dates. The percentages must add up to 100%. You can have as many payments as you wish.

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Assigning Payment Plan
You can assign a payment plan to the Registration Settings within a Season or a Level. The Payment Plan that is set at the Level will override the Season settings.

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Choosing Payment Plan
As a customer (via DaySmart Rec Member App): After making a selection in the online Program Finder, the customer will have the option of paying in full or selecting the Payment Plan.

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