Payment plans are an option you can add to a registration, typically used for higher priced items to spread the cost over time. When a payment plan is enabled for a registration your customers can choose to pay in full or opt for the payment plan.
This feature is not to be used for Normal Teams since each player pays an amount chosen by them.
Creating a Payment Plan
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Type in the global search box, “Payment Plans”. On the payment plan page click the "Create" button.
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Name: Use a meaningful name
Financing Fee: This field is optional. If you want to charge a finance fee, then you will need to create that Product first in order to select it
Deposit: This is a set amount required for the customer to pay at time of purchase.
Schedule: The payment schedule uses prescribed (not relative) dates. The percentages must add up to 100%. You can have as many payments as you wish.
Assigning Payment Plan