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Finance & Accounting
Finance & Accounting
Accepting a Cash Payment
Accepting a Split Tender Payment
Creating a Customer Credit
Creating a Customer Credit (reversal)
Applying Scholarships to Existing Invoices
Assigning Discount Codes to Products
Changing Customer on Invoices
Cleaning up Customer AR
Creating an invoice without payment
Creating an Open Invoice (no payment)
Credit Card Batch Report
Credit Card Privacy & Refund Policy
Credit Card Reversal Override Authorization
Credit Card Sharing
Critical Accounting Details
Daily Deposits
Declined Payment Schedule Email
Deleting Team Credits
Edits to Booking Invoices
Emailed Receipts from DaySmart Recreation
GL Codes
GL Report Update: Exporting For Financial Software Systems
Intercompany Report
Location Payments for Open Invoices
Migrate Account Credits
Pass Report
Payment Plans
Payment Schedules in Member App
Posting Sales Transactions
Preventing Invoice Payments Across All Locations
Quickbooks/Intacct Integration
Reference Transactions
Scheduled Payments Report
Season Enrollment & Revenue Comparison - Class
Settlement Times for Processors
Split Tender Refund
Suggested Camp Revenue Deferral Methodology
Suggested Class Revenue Deferral Methodology
Suggested Membership Revenue Deferral Methodology
Suggested Team Revenue Deferral Methodology
Time of Day and Day of the Week Discounts
Transaction Fee
Transferring Account Credit
Using a Credit Card Terminal
Using an Account Credit
Using an Account Credit from a Different Customer
Voiding Invoices