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Intercompany Report
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago


Some staff members collect payments from other locations within the database and do not change the location they are working out of. Also customers can have a primary location set to their profile but play in more than one location. When this happens, if there are different merchant accounts per location, the payment will go into a different account depending on whichever location the User or the customer profile is logged into instead of the original invoiced location. This report can help track the payments made on invoices to other locations.

How it Works

In the global search box, type "Intercompany report" to view this report.

  1. Select the location you want to view where the actual payment form the customer was taken.

  2. Choose the time frame you are interested in reporting on. By default, it will report on the prior month.

  3. You can choose to check the box to "show invoices" which allows you to investigate things a little better if needed.

User-added image

Here is an invoice from the report above that shows how the payment was made in a different location than the invoice was created.

User-added image
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