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Make-Ups Overview (Admin Side)
Make-Ups Overview (Admin Side)
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 2 months ago


DaySmart Recreation Software now allows facilities to offer their customers a chance to see available classes or camps (per session style of event) they are eligible for in the case when they need to miss their regularly scheduled program.

Key Benefits of Using This Feature

*Flexibility for Customers: This feature allows members to make-up for a missed class/per-session event, providing them with the opportunity to catch up and not miss out on the learning or fun.
*Better Roster Management: Facility administrators can decide whether make-up attendees should be counted within the original roster or above and beyond the roster maximum.
*Tailored Control: Based on the type of event (Company, Season, Level, or Program), specific make-up settings can be configured, ensuring a granular control over the process.
*Consistency with Existing Features: If you are familiar with setting up free trials, you'll find the process similar, ensuring a smooth experience.

Video Overview

Ready to get excited? Watch our Video here!


Integrations & Add-ons

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  1. When you are ready to start using the Make-Up feature, you will need to go to your Integrations & Add-ons page and click on the Addons tab.

  2. Click the toggle to "Enable Make-ups".

  3. There are two global settings company wide to decide on, Limit Per Customer and Look-back Period.

    • What this allows you to do is select the number of make-ups a customer can take in a specific time period and how frequently that time period is wiped clean.

    • This setting below means a customer can attend 5 make-ups within a 120 day period.

    • Leave both of these fields blank to have no restrictions. Setting the Limit Per Customer field and leaving the look-back period empty, would result in a set number of make-ups for the lifetime of the customer.

    • ​Note: Setting this at 0 or leaving it empty means it is unlimited.

Season Settings

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  1. Once the this feature has been turned on, you will see a new option in your Class and Per Session type of Seasons.

  2. Select a Season that you want to turn Make-Ups on for.

  3. Within the Season settings, you will notice a toggle for Make-Ups. Once this is turned on at the Season Level, it will turn it on automatically at each level and roster.

  4. Conversely, turning this off at the season level will turn it off at each level and roster.

  5. Note: If you are creating a brand new season, these same options are presented to you.

  6. Max Registrants: This is the number of make-up customers allowed per event. Note: Setting this at 0 or leaving it empty means it is unlimited.

  7. Above roster limit: Number of allowed make-ups beyond the event roster limit. This number cannot be more than the "max registrant" amount.

  8. Signup Start: represents the number of days ahead of the event that the make-ups will display for enrollment. This value can only be entered as whole days. This number cannot be the same value as "signup end".

  9. Signup End: represents the number of days ahead of the event that the make-up will no longer be available to enroll. This value can only be entered as hours or whole days. This number cannot be the same and must be less than "signup start".

  10. Limit per customer: This value will override the Company Settings "limit per customer" value to allow adjusting for each season if you would like. If the Company Settings "Look Back" period is set, this value will be applied to that date range. Note: Setting this at 0 or leaving it empty means it is unlimited.

  11. Registration Email Template: This should be created ahead of time and added here. This can be used to pass along any additional details your customers may need to prepare them for their make-up.

Level Settings

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  1. From the Season setting page, click on the Levels tab on the left hand side. This will display all existing Levels for the Season and allow you to create new Levels.

  2. In this case, we will select an existing Level to view. Click on the "Settings" tab on the left hand side.

  3. Scroll down to the Make-Ups section. By default, the make-ups section will be toggled on. You can, however, choose to have this feature on for some levels and off for others.

  4. For all values at the Level settings, the season and/or company settings will carry over by default. These values can be changed for the Level. For example, an alternative email can be sent for the specific level vs the rest of the season.

Class or Camp Roster Settings

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  1. From the level page, a list of program rosters (classes or camps/per session events) will display. Select one to view.

  2. Click on the "Settings" tab on the left hand side.

  3. Towards the bottom of the page, you will see a "Make-Ups" toggle. If you choose to turn make-ups off for this roster, you can. Otherwise, the same settings from the level, season and/or company, will be carried over to the roster.

Scheduling a Customer for a Make-Up

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  1. If you have a customer that needs to schedule a make-up with you they can either choose to schedule the Make-Up through the Member App themselves or this can be done through the Admin side.

  2. Find the customer profile and then proceed to roster they are currently signed up for. Next to their name within the Roster section of the program, there are 3 vertical dots. Click to view, "Schedule Make-up".

  3. Next you will be taken to a Program search page to view other options within the same season and level that the customer can attend instead.

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  4. After clicking the Search button, all available rosters will appear. Select the one that will work for the customer's schedule.

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  5. Once you select the roster, a list of events will appear to select from. First select which day the customer will be missing from their regularly scheduled roster.

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  6. Then look at the list of events for the make-up and determine which date they will attend instead. Based on the make-up settings, certain event dates may not appear and others may be disabled.

  7. Click the "Confirm" button when finished.

  8. Once this has finished, you will see on the roster the customer is going to attend a make-up for, a new section for Make-Ups.

  9. This section displays on the roster they are currently on, the event they are missing, plus if you hover over the "i", you can see which date the Make-Up will be.

Cancelling a Make-Up

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  1. If a customer decides they can no longer make the scheduled make-up class, if you go to the roster they are scheduled for, click the 3 vertical dots, you have the option to Cancel the Make-Up.


Daily Checklist

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  1. From the Global Search box, type in "Daily Checklist".

  2. The Daily Checklist reports back alerts that the front staff should be aware of such as expired memberships, waivers that need to be signed, team balances, birthdays, if a Free Trial member is coming in, and now when a customer is signed up for a Make-Up class.

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Make-Ups and Free Trials Report

One report to view all customers registered for a make-up, free trial, or both. Learn more here.

​Interested in how the customer facing side looks in the Member App? Check out our help center article here .

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