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Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Update as of Jan 2025: Added the option to remove customers in mass from the Waitlist roster.


If you have a class, team or camp that is full and you would like to continue to take names, you can mark the roster to accept Waitlist customers.


On each class, there is a box to mark whether you want to start accepting waitlist customers. This is found on the Settings section within the group page.

What it Looks Like

Admin Side

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Once this box has been checked, on the Admin side, when you add a new customer to the roster, you will receive a message asking if you are sure you want to add this customer to the Waitlist.

User-added image

Waitlist Actions

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This is how it will appear when customers have been added. Names will display in the "Waistlist" section by the order of being added to the roster along with the date and time they were added.

  • If you want to move someone from the Waitlist section to take payment and officially be added to the roster, click the "+" sign.

  • If you want to remove customers off of the waitlist, you can do this individually, check the boxes next to each customer or use the "Select All" option.

    • Once a customer has a checkbox next to their name, the ability to "Remove Selected" can be used.

    • Once you click on the "Remove selected" option, a confirmation to remove will appear.

View from the Online Member App

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Once a team for example has been checked to accept waitlist customers, on the member app, here is how they will be able to easily add themselves to the roster.

User-added image

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