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Class & Camp Check In
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Digital Signature Option

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To capture a digital signature when an authorized pick-up signs in or out using a touchpad, go to Company Settings and select Kiosk & Check-in from the left menu. Scroll to the bottom and toggle "Require a signature for check-in".


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To access the Class & Camp Check-In screen, type "Class & Camp Check-In" in the global search or go to Programs > All Program Tools and select Class & Camp Check-In under the Programs section. Once on the screen, use the available controls to complete the check-in process by following the steps below.


Set the Check-in Date

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By default, the system displays the current day. To check in for a future date or review past information, click the date box and select the desired day. The system will refresh to show data for the chosen date.

All customers registered for a Camp or Per-Session event will appear by default. You can refine your search using the following options:

Search for Customers

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Next to the date selection panel, use the search box to find registered customers by entering a first name, last name, full name, last four digits of a phone number, or customer ID.

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The Settings filter allows you to view a specific camp roster instead of the default "All Camps" view. Additionally, a toggle lets you display class rosters, enabling check-in for those customers as well.

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Check In

Selecting Customers to Check In

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To check in customers, click the box next to their names, which will change color to indicate selection. You can also use the "Select All" option—after selecting one customer, it will automatically select all others with the same check-in status. For example, if you choose an unchecked customer and click "Select All," all unchecked customers will be highlighted for check-in.

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Review/Update Information

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After selecting customers for check-in or check-out and clicking "Next," a panel will appear with detailed customer and camp information. This panel helps you quickly assess readiness for check-in and update customer details as needed.

You can:

  • Check for required memberships or waivers.

  • Mark existing purchase orders as "Delivered."

  • Add a special or medical note by clicking the three-dot menu and selecting "Add Medical/Special Note."

  • Edit the list of authorized pick-up adults by selecting "Edit Authorized Adults."

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Add Authorized Pickup's

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By default, any parent linked to a child's account is listed as an authorized pick-up. To add an Authorized Pickup through the check-in module, start by selecting at least one customer (select all siblings if applicable) to enable the "Next" button. This will open the check-in modal, where you have two options to add an adult:

  1. Add Adult Button: Under the Select Adult section, click "Add Adult" to open a form for adding a new contact. Enter their name, phone number, and an optional note (e.g., their relationship to the child).

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  2. Edit Authorized Adults: When viewing an individual customer, click the three-dot menu next to their name and camp details. Select "Edit Authorized Adults" to view, edit, or add pick-up contacts for that customer.

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You can also add and edit Authorized pick-up's from the Customer profile page.

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Checking In Customer(s)

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In the Check-In/Out modal, you'll see a list of authorized adults available for drop-off or pick-up. If no parent or authorized person is present (e.g., a school bus drop-off), you can select the "Staff" option instead.

After choosing the appropriate person, click "Finish" or "Sign" to complete the process. See the above section for details on the Digital Signature option.

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Checking a customer in will save the data on the group attendance report and the sign-in roster.

Changing Check In Status

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If you accidentally check someone in or out, you can easily undo the action.

Search for the customer in the check-in tool and select their name to highlight it. Then, click the Undo Status button at the bottom of the page.

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Printing Labels

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Once at least one customer is successfully checked in, the "Print" button on the bottom bar will be enabled. Click it to print labels for all checked-in customers displayed. You can also adjust the number of copies per customer using the text field next to the button.

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Check Out

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After a customer is successfully checked in, you'll see "In" next to their name. To check out any customers, select them and click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.

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Clicking this button will open a prompt where you can select who, from the authorized list, is picking up each customer. You can also edit the check-out time if necessary. Once completed, an "Out" label will appear next to the customer's name.

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