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Restaurant Point of Sale Setup (Internal - Receipt Printer Setup)
Restaurant Point of Sale Setup (Internal - Receipt Printer Setup)
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 4 months ago


This feature must be enabled by our DaySmart Recreation support staff. If you are interested in using this, please create a ticket or email our team at [email protected].

Printer Setup

Checkout this Help Center section on Receipt Printer Setup

Click the arrow to learn more

  • Be sure to first check out our Recommended Hardware page to figure out how to order a printer that works with DaySmart Recreation.

  • Download the EPSON Advanced Printer Driver.

  • Choose a computer to serve as the main printing computer. Note: this computer must be on and connected to the internet for your printers to receive print jobs.

  • Connect your printers to the main computer (USB, Ethernet, Serial).

  • If connecting over the local network (Ethernet/WIFI), download EpsonNetConfig and use it to set the printers IP address. Note: the first three segments of the IP address must match the first three segments of the router. Eg. (192.168.1.XXX) See this link for more help on network printer configuration:

  • Install the Advanced Printer Driver for each printer you are connecting. Select the printer model and connection interface for each printer.

  • Open Devices & Printers from Control Panel. Select each printer and confirm it is in the ready state (bottom left corner of Control Panel window).

    • Right click your printer and select 'printing preferences'

    • Select the 'Document settings' tab

    • Set 'Paper Conservation' setting to 'Top & Bottom'

    • Set 'Paper Source' setting to 'Page[feed,cut]'

  • Connect your printers to Google Cloud Print:

  • From Google Cloud Print:

    • Select your printer

    • Share your printer with [email protected]

    • Click the details button

    • Open the advanced details panel

    • Copy your Printer ID (you will add this id to the printer tab of Restaurant Settings)

  • Open Restaurant Setup in DaySmart Recreation. Select the printers tab and add each printer name and ID.

Planning Stage

  • Before you start making products in DaySmart Recreation, it’s a good idea to plan out what products, add ons and modifications you’ll need. That way it will take as few steps as possible.

  • Draft your menu: think about all the products you’ll want to serve.

  • Identify Addons/Ingredients: Restaurant products can be single items, like chicken tenders. Or be composed of multiple addons/ingredients, like a supreme pizza. It’s a good idea to have all your addons mapped out now so you can build your products fast.

  • Identify Modifications for your addons and products: Modifications (like double, half, on-the-side) let you affect the price of products with optional steps, and keep everyone informed. Make your modifications first so that you can attach them to all your addons and products as you create them.


  • In the global search box, type in "Restaurant Setup". Select the Modifications tab. Here you will define modifications which can be applied to restaurant items and ingredients.

    • 'Name' is what is printed on the receipts and kitchen tickets.

    • 'Description' is provided to hosts/staff when placing orders.

    • 'Constant Mod' is a $ value which will be applied to the product price.

    • 'Multiplier Mod' is a # value which will scale the base product price.

      User-added image


What's new? At the bottom of the Product form, you will now see a section called ‘Restaurant Settings’.

Click the arrow to learn more

  • ‘Is Trackable’ allows a product to be tracked through the restaurant pre->prep->delivery lifecycle without needing to be sent through the kitchen. This is useful for a product like drinks which you might also sell outside of the restaurant.

  • ‘Requires Fulfillment’ allows a product to be tracked, and associate addons/ingredients and modifications. These products must go through the kitchen and will only appear in POS layouts inside the Restaurant POS. When marking a product as ‘Requires Fulfillment’, you should see three new fields appear.

    1. Included Addons are default to a product and their price is `baked in` to the products price, removing them from a purchase in the POS will not affect the purchase price, modifying them will affect the purchase price.

    2. Available Addons are not default to a product, but can be added by the hosts. Add/removing them from the product will affect the purchase price.

    3. Modifications are attached to products and affect each addon individually.

  • Now that you have modifications setup, start to create the addons and ingredients to be used in your restaurant products. Open the "products" page in DaySmart Recreation and create a new product. Add a Product Name, price, and category, then scroll to the bottom of the product form where you will see a section called ‘Restaurant Settings’. Turn on ‘Requires Fulfillment’. Add any modifications for your addon here.

  • Note: If you have products with very similar sets of addons and modifications, consider using the product copy button. For example, this could save you some time defining a set of specialty pizzas by creating the cheese pizza first with all the available addons, then copying it into a bunch of specialty pies with default addons.

  • Now that we’ve got your addons/ingredients setup, lets start to define the restaurant products. Open the "Products" page in DaySmart Recreation. Create a new product, or opening an existing one which you would like to convert into a restaurant product. At the bottom of the product form, either add tracking or require fulfilment. If, this item requires fulfillment in the kitchen, add any addons and modifications it may have. Below is an example of a Cheese Pizza.


In the Restaurant Setup page in DaySmart Recreation, click on Restaurants. Define your restaurant's name, location, contact #, order buffer, max order marker, delivery locations and printers (make sure you have already created and set up your printers).

  • Order buffer is the number of minutes between when an order is due and when it should arrive in the kitchen. For example, if an order is set due at 2pm and the order buffer is 45 minutes, this order will be printed in the kitchen at 1:15pm. If the current time is past 1:15pm it will be printed immediately.

  • Order markers are placards commonly used in larger spaces to find the right table. If you use number markers, set the highest number you use here.

  • Delivery Locations are another way to denote where to delivery an order. Every order must have a delivery location. They can be broad, like dining room, or specific like table 7. If you use non-numeric order markers, like tokens write their names in as delivery locations.

Point of Sale Layout

  • Now that you’ve got your restaurant all setup, it’s time to add your restaurant products to a POS layout.

  • In the global search box, type in "Restaurant POS". Open an existing POS layout or create a new one. In the toolbar, click ‘Edit Items’ to start editing the layout. Using the ‘+’ button in the toolbar, add categories to the top level to help keep your products organized. In each category add your sub-categories and products. Note: of you have not set up your Point of Sale yet, be sure to check out our Point of Sale Setup article first.

Once everything is all setup, check out our Using the Restaurant Point of Sale help article on how to start using the Restaurant Point of Sale.

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