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GIS Data Imports
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

GIS Mapping


Within DaySmart Recreation, resident/non-resident pricing is controlled by a boundary. This boundary can be any arbitrary shape and even include donut holes. A donut hole would be a zone within a boundary that is NOT part of the boundary. This can happen in some municipalities for various reasons. The important thing to note is that even complex boundaries can be represented.

What is Needed

DaySmart Recreation requires a Google Earth boundary file (KML or KMZ format) in order to import the boundary for your organization. Typically, these can be provided by Public Works departments using software called Arc GIS. If you are having difficulty locating a Google Earth boundary file for your organization, you can reach out to DaySmart and one of our developers may be able to help locate a Google Earth file. Once this file is provided, DaySmart will import this boundary into the Recreation product and your organization can enable the GIS Mapping feature in the application and then resident/non-resident pricing will be available.

Below are some example boundary images and KML/KMZ files. The boundary for your organization may be simpler than these, but it does not have to be simpler. As long as the boundary file is provided in Google Earth KML or KMZ format.

NOTE: A KMZ file is simply a compressed version of a KML formatted file. Compressed files are smaller and easier to copy so Arc GIS and other tools often create this format.


This is the boundary for Post Falls, ID. Notice that the yellow areas are within the city while the gray areas are not within the city (they are “exclusion zones”).

User-added image

This is the boundary for Evendale, OH. The blue area is within the boundary. Notice that this boundary has no donut holes (exclusion zones).

User-added image

We are happy to provide an example KML/KMZ file upon request by emailing [email protected].

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