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Class Season Creation
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

The Season is the top tier of the program hierarchy. Within the Season there will be Levels and within the Levels, there will be individual Classes. The Season settings control options for online registration, deposits, required memberships, and Season reporting.

  1. Create a new product or check the current product for your class, team, or camp fee needed for this season. Be sure the price is correct and labeled appropriately.

  2. From the ‘Programs’ menu on the top navigation bar, select ‘Seasons.’

  3. Click the ‘+’ button to create a new season.

  4. Enter the Name of the season, select the Location and choose the 'Class' Registration Type. Add the Program and Season start and ends dates (if these vary, choose earliest and latest dates to incorporate all registrations). The Description (optional) will appear in the Member App for customers registering online. Here you can include season dates, number of classes, or any other information needed.

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  5. Scroll down to add registration settings. The Registration Form is used to have your customers receive a pre-set form of questions that you have created to fill out prior to registration, you can choose which form to add to this season. You can create an email template (Settings > Customers > Email Templates) to send a Registration Email to all your customers with pertinent information about the season.

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  6. Scroll further down the page for payment options. You can enter a deposit amount if required. During online registration, the deposit will be required when signing up. Payment Plans are available to be set for classes, camps, and individual teams to help customers pay their fee over time. Toggle on to enable this feature.

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  7. Enable Online Registration to allow customers to sign up using the Member App. If customers must register in-house only, be sure to toggle this setting off. Press ‘Add a priority group’ to allow certain groups to register prior to the general public.

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  8. Use Season History for reporting with the Season Dashlet.

  9. Click the ‘Save’ button to complete setup.

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