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Integrations & Add-ons
Kristi Carlson avatar
Written by Kristi Carlson
Updated over 3 months ago


Explore and manage all the available integrations and add-on features for your DaySmart Recreation account with ease. Each tile provides a brief description and a link for more details. Labels indicate whether a feature is free, included, or requires an additional fee. Be sure to review the list to discover integrations or add-ons that could further enhance your business!


This page can be access from the following areas

  • Start typing in "Integrations & Add-ons" in the global search until it appears to select.

  • From the "Admin" drop down, select "Integrations & Addons".


In order to view and access the Integrations & Add-ons page, your User role must have "Company Account Settings" assigned to it.


Each tile has a brief description, any additional account requirements needed, buttons to get started and links to learn more about the feature. If you see an "Enabled" badge, it means the feature has already been turned on and you can view the current settings.

Constant Contact makes it easy to send emails that help drive real business results.

Google Analytics gathers a wealth of information about customers using the Member Experience.

Google Tag Manager allows the integration of tags for Google Analytics (GA), e-commerce, and third-party tags.

LiveBarn is a streaming service at your customers’ fingertips!

Meta Pixel, formerly known as Facebook Pixel, tracks customers using the Member Experience.

Oracle’s Eloqua platform helps you track conversions and optimize ads.

REACH integrates your schedules and will tailor each layout to the screen location's needs.

RFAM manages equipment inventory, preventative maintenance, lifecycle planning and more.

SportNinja allows your players to view scores and standings within the Member Experience.

Check USA Hockey memberships when customers register.

Verify and link Learn to Skate USA memberships when customers register.

Twilio integration enables the use of the their API for sending SMS messages to customers.

We provides transparent API access to the large collection of objects that comprise the system.


DaySmart Recreation offers a variety of additional features or "add-ons" that can be turned on from this page. Some features are included with the subscription while others may incur an additional fee.

Allows gift card products.

Allows individual and family membership products.

Allows pass functionality for flat fee, discounts and facility/location check-in.

Allows customers to try out a class or event.

Allows customers to reschedule a class or camp.

Allows cash drawer to automatically open whenever a cash transaction is made.

Allows customers to request or book resources from the Member Experience.

Allows support for customer waiver signatures in the Member Experience.

Allows printing program information on stickers or labels at check-in.

Allows support to electronically sign any uploaded document. Powered by Dropbox Sign.

Approve or deny a pending team that signed up for a season in the Member Experience. (Must be turned on by Support)

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